Imperial Malts Limited

Malt Extract

Manufacturer, Exporter & Supplier of Malt Extract.

Malt Extract as the name suggests is extracted from Malt and in the essence the best of the Malt grain is subjected to the process of crushing, mashing, filtering and finally evaporation. All processes are designed and executed with the very best and stringent quality parameters in mind.

Malt Extract is at the heart of ingredients of health foods, be it Nurtraceuticals, Energy Drinks, Confectionery, Bakery etc. Malt Extract provides one of the simplest forms of digestible sweeteners along with the benefits of Malt. Malt Extract is rich in sweetness, flavour and various Vitamins and Minerals.

Low Temperature Mashing and Evaporation in processing Malt Extract ensures that the food values are not just preserved but enhanced in the process, via elimination of microbial presence. One of the most simplified source of Protein that the human body can absorb from even when compared to other sources of vegetarian protein is Malt Extract.

Imperial Malts Limited

Contact Person Contact Person
Mr. Anuj Yadav

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Village-khor, Post-Pataudi, Pataudi-Rewari Highway, Tehsil-Pataudi, Sector 49,
Gurgaon - 122414, Haryana, India

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