Imperial Malts Limited


The offered range of Imperial Malts Ltd. is used for various purposes, specially the manufacturing of:

  • Ice cream
  • Beer
  • Pharmaceuticals product
  • Non-alcoholic product
  • Beverages
  • Malt whiskies
  • Confectionary
  • Malt based food products
  • Biscuits
  • Breakfast cereals
  • Health drinks

Imperial Malts Limited

Imperial Malts Limited


We have a sound infrastructure set up that enable us to carry out smooth production of barley malt and malt extract. Our infrastructure unit comprise of facilities like modern malt plant, malt extract plant, quality testing unit modern laboratory, and microbiology laboratory and storage unit.

Our modern malt plant equipped with requisite production facilities and machines and has a production capacity of 36,000 TPA. It houses steel tanks, buffer tanks, malt filter, musk filter and evaporator that are used to haste bulk production.

Our modern laboratory is equipped with latest testing facilities and equipment to monitor and control the quality of extracts effectively. Further, our capacious storage unit houses the entire range an assist in effective retrieval and storage of barley and barley malts. To meet the export orders, we also have:

  • Custom sealing
  • Bulk packing facilities
  • In-house container stuffing

Our malt extract plant built by M/s Alfa Laval with the technical collaboration of Anhydro A/S, Denmark has a production capacity of 10,000 TPA and enable us to carry out extraction in most befitting manner.

Imperial Malts Limited

Contact Person Contact Person
Mr. Anuj Yadav

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Call Us Address
Village-khor, Post-Pataudi, Pataudi-Rewari Highway, Tehsil-Pataudi, Sector 49,
Gurgaon - 122414, Haryana, India

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